Year 2024 | Volume 8 | Issue 3
(September 2024)

Issue Cover

Table of Content

Scheduled Castes in Higher Education

Dr. D. G. Chighalikar

Pages 01 - 05


Cite as

Dr. D. G. Chighalikar. (2024). Scheduled Castes in Higher Education. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 01–05.


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विवाहित आणि अविवाहित महिलांच्या निराशा आणि मानसिक आरोग्याचा अभ्यास

डॉ. मिलिंद भगवानराव बचुटे

Pages 06 - 11


Cite as

डॉ. मिलिंद भगवानराव बचुटे. (2024). विवाहित आणि अविवाहित महिलांच्या निराशा आणि मानसिक आरोग्याचा अभ्यास. International journal of humanities, social science, business management & commerce, 08(03), 06–11.

लाफ्टर थेरेपी – तणावमुक्तीचा नवा उपाय

डॉ. विवेक विठ्ठल कोतेकर

Pages 12 - 17


Cite as

डॉ. विवेक विठ्ठल कोतेकर. (2024). लाफ्टर थेरेपी – तणावमुक्तीचा नवा उपाय. International journal of humanities, social science, business management & commerce, 08(03), 12–17.

Women Mental Health and Well-Being

Vijay Sadashiv Sutar and R. B. Vhanabatte

Pages 18 - 22


Cite as

Vijay Sadashiv Sutar, & R. B. Vhanabatte. (2024). Women Mental Health and Well-Being. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 18–22.

Problems of Irrigation in Maharashtra

Smt. Ashwini Raghunath Kadam, & Dr. A. K. Patil

Pages 23 - 28


Cite as

Smt. Ashwini Raghunath Kadam, & Dr. A. K. Patil. (2024). Problems of Irrigation in Maharashtra. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 23–28.

भारतातील लिंगभावाच्या राजकारणाची स्थित्यंतरे

डॉ. सचिन दत्तात्रय भोसले

Pages 29 - 36


Cite as

डॉ. सचिन दत्तात्रय भोसले. (2024). भारतातील लिंगभावाच्या राजकारणाची स्थित्यंतरे. In International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce (Vol. 8, Number 03, pp. 29–36). International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce.

Impact of Bollywood and changing Marriage practices

Snehal Vijay Ghorpade

Pages 37 - 39


Cite as

Snehal Vijay Ghorpade. (2024). Impact of Bollywood and changing Marriage practices. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 37–39.

User Education in Academic Libraries

Mr. M. S. Shirke

Pages 40 - 46


Cite as

Mr. M. S. Shirke. (2024). User Education in Academic Libraries. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 40–46.

Bridging Psychology and Humanities: Analysing Employee Well-being at MRSTC in the Context of Indian Society

Utkarsha D. Gaikwad and Dr. Charulata S. Pradhan

Pages 47 - 50


Cite as

Utkarsha D. Gaikwad, & Dr. Charulata S. Pradhan. (2024). Bridging Psychology and Humanities: Analysing Employee Well-being at MRSTC in the Context of Indian Society. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 47–50.

न्यायमूर्ती महादेव गोविंद रानडे यांचा उदारमतवाद

प्रा. डॉ. विजय विष्णू पाडळकर

Pages 51 - 55


Cite as

प्रा. डॉ. विजय विष्णू पाडळकर. (2024). न्यायमूर्ती महादेव गोविंद रानडे यांचा उदारमतवाद. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 51–55.

A Correlation Study of Social Networking Addiction and Emotional Adjustment Among Adolescents

Prafullkumar Prakash Patil, Dr. Arun Chandu Shinde

Pages 56 - 61


Cite as

Prafullkumar Prakash Patil, & Dr. Arun Chandu Shinde. (2024). A Correlation Study of Social Networking Addiction and Emotional Adjustment Among Adolescents. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 56–61.

The Grapes of Wrath as a Social Indictment

Shubhangi Nivrutti Lavate

Pages 62 - 65


Cite as

Shubhangi Nivrutti Lavate. (2024). The Grapes of Wrath as a Social Indictment. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 62–65.

Skill Classification and Skill Development in Fitness Training

Dr. Ibrahim H. Mulla

Pages 66 - 69


Cite as

Dr. Ibrahim H. Mulla. (2024). Skill Classification and Skill Development in Fitness Training. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 66–69.

महात्मा जोतीराव फुले यांच्या कवितेतील धर्मविषयक विचार

प्रा. बाळकृष्ण बंडू जाधव

Pages 70 - 73


Cite as

प्रा. बाळकृष्ण बंडू जाधव. (2024). महात्मा जोतीराव फुले यांच्या कवितेतील धर्मविषयक विचार. International journal of humanities, social science, business management & commerce, 08(03), 70–73.

The Role of Humanities and Marketing in Addressing India's Social Challenges

Mr. Sahil Kothali

Pages 74 - 78


Cite as

Mr. Sahil Kothali. (2024). The Role of Humanities and Marketing in Addressing India’s Social Challenges. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 74–78.

फॅन्ड्री चित्रपटातील समाज वास्तव

प्रा. डॉ. यशवंत मारुती चव्हाण

Pages 79 - 82


Cite as

प्रा. डॉ. यशवंत मारुती चव्हाण. (2024). फॅन्ड्री चित्रपटातील समाज वास्तव. International journal of humanities, social science, business management & commerce, 08(03), 79–82.

Obedient-Disobedient Behaviour and Emotional Stability with Gender of Adolescent Student

Dr. Zunjarrao S. Kadam

Pages 83 - 87


Cite as

Dr. Zunjarrao S. Kadam. (2024). Obedient-Disobedient Behaviour and Emotional Stability with Gender of Adolescent Student. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 83–87.

Study of Land Use and Land Cover Change Detection Using Geoinformatics Technology - A Case Study of Dharbandora Taluka, Goa State

Mr. Y.A. Mane, Mr. D.A. Janawade, Mr. K.I. Mulani, and Dr. S. S. Mane

Pages 88 - 93


Cite as

Mr. Y.A. Mane, Mr. D.A. Janawade, Mr. K.I. Mulani, & Dr. S.S. Mane. (2024). Study of Land Use and Land Cover Change Detection Using Geoinformatics Technology – A Case Study of Dharbandora Taluka, Goa State. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 88–93.

आधुनिक स्त्रियांच्या समस्या

प्रा. डॉ. बाबासाहेब नाईक

Pages 94 - 96


Cite as

प्रा. डॉ. बाबासाहेब नाईक. (2024). आधुनिक स्त्रियांच्या समस्या. International journal of humanities, social science, business management & commerce, 08(03), 94–96.

An Exploration of War, Identity, and Belongingness in The English Patient

Mr. Shaikh Shaphik Kasam

Pages 97 - 99


Cite as

Mr. Shaikh Shaphik Kasam. (2024). An Exploration of War, Identity, and Belongingness in The English Patient. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 97–99.

A Geographical Study of Shri Somnath Temple Prabhas Patan in Gujarat: Satisfaction Levels of Tourists

Dr. S.S. Mane, Mr. Y.A. Mane, Mr. K.I. Mulani, and Mr. D.A. Janawade

Pages 100 - 106


Cite as

Dr. S.S. Mane, Mr. Y.A. Mane, Mr. K.I. Mulani, & Mr. D.A. Janawade. (2024). A Geographical Study of Shri Somnath Temple Prabhas Patan in Gujarat: Satisfaction Levels of Tourists. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 100–106.

Psychological Well-being in Modern Indian Society: Navigating Social Challenges through the Lens of Humanities

Mr. Vijay Vitthalrao Sonone, and Dr. Charulata Pradhan

Pages 107 - 110


Cite as

Mr. Vijay Vitthalrao Sonone, & Dr. Charulata Pradhan. (2024). Psychological Well-being in Modern Indian Society: Navigating Social Challenges through the Lens of Humanities. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 107–110.

The Impact of Social Change on Mental Health in India: A Humanities Perspective

Mrs. Zulfa Deshmukh and Dr. Yuvraj B Gaherao

Pages 111 - 114


Cite as

Mrs. Zulfa Deshmukh, & Dr. Yuvraj B Gaherao. (2024). The Impact of Social Change on Mental Health in India: A Humanities Perspective. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 111–114.

बेरोजगारी: एक समाजशास्त्रीय अध्ययन

प्रा. गोविंद नागनाथराव ढोबळे

Pages 115 - 121


Cite as

प्रा. गोविंद नागनाथराव ढोबळे. (2024). बेरोजगारी: एक समाजशास्त्रीय अध्ययन. International journal of humanities, social science, business management & commerce, 08(03), 115–121.

Orientalism and Historiography

Dr. Mahadev L. Sontakke

Pages 122 - 126


Cite as

Dr. Mahadev L. Sontakke. (2024). Orientalism and Historiography. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 122–126.

An Analytical Study of Resilience and Mental Health of College Students

Dr. Arun C. Shinde and Dr. Amol Kamble

Pages 127 - 134


Cite as

Dr. Arun C. Shinde, & Dr. Amol Kamble. (2024). An Analytical Study of Resilience and Mental Health of College Students. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 127–134.

कोल्हापूर जिल्ह्यातील आक्रमकता व फिअर ऑफ मिसिंग आऊट (FOMO) यांचा शेअर्स मार्केट करणाऱ्या व्यक्तीच्या मानसिक आरोग्यावर होणारा परिणाम

प्रा. पर्वत प्रदीप कांबळे

Pages 135 - 142


Cite as

प्रा. पर्वत प्रदीप कांबळे. (2024). कोल्हापूर जिल्ह्यातील आक्रमकता व फिअर ऑफ मिसिंग आऊट (FOMO) यांचा शेअर्स मार्केट करणाऱ्या व्यक्तीच्या मानसिक आरोग्यावर होणारा परिणाम. International journal of humanities, social science, business management & commerce, 08(03), 135–142.

Women and Education

Ms. Ranjita Ramesh Kalebere and Dr. Sopan Govind Khade

Pages 143 - 148


Cite as

Ms. Ranjita Ramesh Kalebere, & Dr. Sopan Govind Khade. (2024). Women and Education. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 143–148.

A Study on Land Degradation in India

Dr. Santosh Ishwara Barale

Pages 149 - 153


Cite as

Dr. Santosh Ishwara Barale. (2024). A Study on Land Degradation in India. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 149–153.

Need of Sustainable Agriculture Development in India

Dr. Shivanand A. Bhandare

Pages 154 - 156


Cite as

Dr. Shivanand A. Bhandare. (2024). Dr. Shivanand A. Bhandare. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 154–156.

Impact of Social Networking Sites on The Users: A Socio-Psychological Analysis

Dr Vijay K. Gheji and Ms. Priti B. Desai (Gheji)

Pages 157 - 160


Cite as

Dr Vijay K. Gheji, & Ms. Priti B. Desai (Gheji). (2024). Impact of Social Networking Sites on The Users: A Socio-Psychological Analysis. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 157–160.

Socio-Economic and Educational Problems in the Youth of Bhoi Community in Karad City

Mr. Amol T. Gavade, and Dr. Sandip S. Mane

Pages 161 - 165


Cite as

Mr. Amol T. Gavade, & Dr. Sandip S. Mane. (2024). Socio-Economic and Educational Problems in the Youth of Bhoi Community in Karad City. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 161–165.

भारतातील स्त्रीयांच्या समस्या

प्रा. अमृत दत्तात्रय मुधाळे

Pages 166 - 169


Cite as

प्रा. अमृत दत्तात्रय मुधाळे. (2024). भारतातील स्त्रीयांच्या समस्या. International journal of humanities, social science, business management & commerce, 08(03), 166–169.

Applicability of Swami Vivekananda's Thoughts in Contemporary Indian Society

Vaibhav Kotekar

Pages 170 - 173


Cite as

Vaibhav Kotekar. (2024). Applicability of Swami Vivekananda’s Thoughts in Contemporary Indian Society. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 170–173.

समकालीन हिंदी उपन्यास साहित्य में जनचेतना के परिप्रेक्ष्य में नारी विषमता का चित्रण

प्रा. मारूफ मुजावर

Pages 174 - 177


Cite as

प्रा. मारूफ मुजावर. (2024). समकालीन हिंदी उपन्यास साहित्य में जनचेतना के परिप्रेक्ष्य में नारी विषमता का चित्रण. International journal of humanities, social science, business management & commerce, 08(03), 174–177.

'बाल साहित्य में अभिव्यक्त सामाजिक सदभाव' (क्षमा शर्मा के बाल साहित्य के संदर्भ में)

डॉ. छाया शंकर माळी

Pages 178 - 182


Cite as

डॉ. छाया शंकर माळी. (2024). ‘बाल साहित्य में अभिव्यक्त सामाजिक सदभाव’. International journal of humanities, social science, business management & commerce, 08(03), 178–182.

Recent Issues and Challenges of Indian Society and Role of Humanities

Dr. Ramchandra Baburao Vhanbatte, and Mr. Narayan Janardhan Relekar

Pages 183 - 188


Cite as

Dr. Ramchandra Baburao Vhanbatte, & Mr. Narayan Janardhan Relekar. (2024). Recent Issues and Challenges of Indian Society and Role of Humanities. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 183–188.

बेघर स्त्रियांच्या समस्येचा समाजशास्त्रीय अभ्यास

प्रा. स्वाती शाहू परीट

Pages 189 - 191


Cite as

प्रा. स्वाती शाहू परीट. (2024). बेघर स्त्रियांच्या समस्येचा समाजशास्त्रीय अभ्यास. International journal of humanities, social science, business management & commerce, 08(03), 189–191.

करवीर तालुक्यातील खाजगी आणि शासकीय नोकरी करणाऱ्या कर्मचाऱ्यांच्यामधील मधील आक्रमकतेचा अभ्यास

प्रा. सुनिल दगडू गोते

Pages 192 - 197


Cite as

प्रा. सुनिल दगडू गोते. (2024). करवीर तालुक्यातील खाजगी आणि शासकीय नोकरी करणाऱ्या कर्मचाऱ्यांच्यामधील मधील आक्रमकतेचा अभ्यास. International journal of humanities, social science, business management & commerce, 08(03), 192–197.

कोल्हापूर जिल्ह्यातील स्पर्धा परीक्षा देणाऱ्या विद्यार्थ्यांच्यातील मानसिक आरोग्याचा अभ्यास

कु. संजना श्रीनिवास सोनटक्के

Pages 198 - 204


Cite as

कु. संजना श्रीनिवास सोनटक्के. (2024). कोल्हापूर जिल्ह्यातील स्पर्धा परीक्षा देणाऱ्या विद्यार्थ्यांच्यातील मानसिक आरोग्याचा अभ्यास. International journal of humanities, social science, business management & commerce, 08(03), 198–204.

The study of Teaching Methods used by English Teachers at Secondary and Higher Secondary Level in Kolhapur District, Maharashtra

Mr. Sachin Namdev Chavan

Pages 205 - 208


Cite as

Mr. Sachin Namdev Chavan. (2024). The study of Teaching Methods used by English Teachers at Secondary and Higher Secondary Level in Kolhapur District, Maharashtra. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 205–208.

हमीदुल्ला के नाटकों में चित्रित सामाजिक सद्भाव

डॉ. उत्तम राजाराम आळतेकर

Pages 209 - 211


Cite as

डॉ. उत्तम राजाराम आळतेकर. (2024). हमीदुल्ला के नाटकों में चित्रित सामाजिक सद्भाव. International journal of humanities, social science, business management & commerce, 08(03), 209–211.

डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर यांचा मानवतावादी दृष्टीकोन

प्रा. डॉ. संध्या जयसिंग माने

Pages 212 - 216


Cite as

प्रा. डॉ. संध्या जयसिंग माने. (2024). डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर यांचा मानवतावादी दृष्टीकोन. International journal of humanities, social science, business management & commerce, 08(03), 212–216.

तेंडुलकरांच्या नाटकांतून प्रकटणाऱ्या स्त्री-समस्या

सई भूषण प्रभु

Pages 217 - 222


Cite as

सई भूषण प्रभु. (2024). तेंडुलकरांच्या नाटकांतून प्रकटणाऱ्या स्त्री-समस्या. International journal of humanities, social science, business management & commerce, 08(03), 217–222.

Understanding Motivational Factors in Children's Participation in An Art Class: Implications for Educators

Dr. Anup M. Mule, Dr. Archana E. Mankar, and Mr. Jagdish Sardesai

Pages 223 - 227


Cite as

Dr. Anup M. Mule, Dr. Archana E. Mankar, & Mr. Jagdish Sardesai. (2024). Understanding Motivational Factors in Children’s Participation in An Art Class: Implications for Educators. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 223–227.

Individualism in the Novels of Chetan Bhagat

Professor Tulshikatti D. C.

Pages 228 - 230


Cite as

Professor Tulshikatti D. C. (2024). Individualism in the Novels of Chetan Bhagat. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 228–230.

दलित साहित्य में अभिव्यक्त सामाजिक सद्भावना

प्रा. किरण सदानंद भोसले

Pages 231 - 234


Cite as

प्रा. किरण सदानंद भोसले. (2024). दलित साहित्य में अभिव्यक्त सामाजिक सद्भावना. International journal of humanities, social science, business management & commerce, 08(03), 231–234.

जागतिकिकरण व मराठी ग्रामीण कादंबरी:एक दृष्टीक्षेप

डॉ. सुशिलेंद्र दिनकर मांजर्डेकर

Pages 235 - 240


Cite as

डॉ. सुशिलेंद्र दिनकर मांजर्डेकर. (2024). जागतिकिकरण व मराठी ग्रामीण कादंबरी:एक दृष्टीक्षेप. International journal of humanities, social science, business management & commerce, 08(03), 235–240.

Environmental Harmony in Kishwar Desai's The Sea of Innocence

S. D. Rajratna

Pages 241 - 246


Cite as

S. D. Rajratna. (2024). Environmental Harmony in Kishwar Desai’s The Sea of Innocence. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 241–246.

Spatio-Temporal Study of Changing Population Size from The Year 1991 To 2011: A Case Study of Karad Tehsil

Mr. K.I. Mulani, Mr. Y.A. Mane, Mr. D.A. Janawade, and Dr. S.S. Mane

Pages 247 - 252


Cite as

Mr. K.I. Mulani, Mr. Y.A. Mane, Mr. D.A. Janawade, & Dr. S.S. Mane. (2024). Spatio-Temporal Study of Changing Population Size from The Year 1991 To 2011: A Case Study of Karad Tehsil. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 247–252.

अश्मयुगीन मानवाचा कलाविष्कार - कातळशिल्प आणि पर्यटन

प्रा. पोर्णिमा दिलिप सरदेसाई

Pages 253 - 258


Cite as

प्रा. पोर्णिमा दिलिप सरदेसाई. (2024). अश्मयुगीन मानवाचा कलाविष्कार – कातळशिल्प आणि पर्यटन. International journal of humanities, social science, business management & commerce, 08(03), 253–258.

आधुनिक हिंदी उपन्यास में अभिव्यक्त सामाजिक सद्भाव

प्रा. अविनाश वसंतराव पाटील

Pages 259 - 261


Cite as

प्रा. अविनाश वसंतराव पाटील. (2025). आधुनिक हिंदी उपन्यास में अभिव्यक्त सामाजिक सद्भाव. International journal of humanities, social science, business management & commerce, 08(03), 259–261.

Change Detection in Land Use and Land Cover Using Remote Sensing Data and GIS

Mr. D.A. Janawade, Mr. Y.A. Mane, Dr. S.S. Mane, and Mr. K.I. Mulani

Pages 262 - 268


Cite as

Mr. D.A. Janawade, Mr. Y.A. Mane, Dr. S.S. Mane, & Mr. K.I. Mulani. (2025). Change Detection in Land Use and Land Cover Using Remote Sensing Data and GIS. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 262–268.

Technology and Accounting

Mr. Kashid Kapil Arvind and Mr. Bille Aditya Shridhar

Pages 269 - 272


Cite as

Mr. Kashid Kapil Arvind, & Mr. Bille Aditya Shridhar. (2025). Technology and Accounting. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 269–272.

Opportunities of the Business in The Field of Apiculture for The Rural and Tribal Areas People, (Maharashtra)

Smt. Chougule A.A.

Pages 273 - 276


Cite as

Smt. Chougule A.A. (2025). Opportunities of the Business in The Field of Apiculture for The Rural and Tribal Areas People, (Maharashtra). International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 273–276.

The Evolution of Bancassurance in India

Mr. Kashid Kapil Arvind and Dr. T.V.G. SARMA

Pages 277 - 279


Cite as

Mr. Kashid Kapil Arvind, & Dr. T.V.G. SARMA. (2025). The Evolution of Bancassurance in India. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Business Management & Commerce, 08(03), 277–281.

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